Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Dales Way - Day 2

A much shorter day today - 17 km or thereabouts. The GPS disappeared not far out of Grassington, where I left youse all yesterday. The day began with a(nother) scrummy Dales Way breakfast, cooked by Andrew (because Mrs Andrew had skipped off to Bradford for her local history class at the Bradford University). Up the hill from the town, up, up, and still further up, till we reached really bare and windy, but always sunny moors ["Beware the moors, Jim Lad. There's nuthin' but evil up on them there moors"]. Those moors are really WILD, and quite a contrast to the rolling path alongside the Wharfe river to which we had grown quite accustomed and very fond. Belting into the wind, with hunched shoulders and happy hearts, we passed many a fellow wayfarer coming in the other direction. Some returned our happy 'hi's, while others ignored us completely. Can't really blame them, I supplse. Still, I think it's better to be a happy 'hullo-ing' wayfarer, than a sad and gloomy one. What do youse think? [BTW, there haven't been too many responses to there anybody out there?]

Later on, the moors disappeared (or more accurately we walked past them] and we soon dropped down to rejoin the Wharfe in the village (gorgeous, cute and welcoming) of Kettlewell.  We sat for a rest on the seat dedicated to the memory of Jack Lambert of Wold Farm.  Les' heart will skip a beat when he hears about that little seat in Kettlewell, I'll be bound ...

 Running out of room, so I'll finish this blog now.

1 comment:

  1. What do you mean "not too many responses" !
    What about ours ????
    Keep writing .....we're enjoying reading about your adventures.
