Saturday, September 17, 2022

Interesting Intersections

​This post is dedicated to random personages who happen to appear in one’s orbit as one travels life’s highways (or in a train). There are countless others, but one needs much quicker access to one’s iPhone from one’s pocket and the opening of one’s camera app to capture all of them. Forgive me. 

This glamorous lady shared a carriage with us while we hurtled to Glasgow from Arran. 

Another lady. This one in Angelina’s hot chocolate cafe in Paris. 

This lady appeared to be an ‘influencer’ in the Luxembourg Gardens. Lots of glamorous photos. 

Intense young chap on the Metro. Deeply absorbed in his phone. Look up a few minutes later and he’s gone!

Tattoo studio in Santorini. Full view from the street. 

‘Like that lucky old son, with nothing to do but roll around heaven all day …’ and chat on your phone. 

Just saying …



  1. I think that woman in Angelina's had been way too often!

  2. There is no limit on the amount of Angelina's hot chocolate one should my book at least! when I looked at that photo my immediate response was to sigh longingly thinking of that chocolate gorgeousness. But then I remembered that, due to my thoughtful friend Liz (who I forced to visit Angelina's with me on one Paris trip) I am the proud owner of a tin of their chocolate powder! Os and I have enjoyed a few delicious hot chocolates courtesy of Liz's generosity! But we have shown some restraint: we don't add cream to ours.....( unfortunately!)
