Friday, September 02, 2022

Where’s the soap?

Where’s the soap these days?  Am I the only one who uses a block of soap in the shower?  Blocks of soap are great. You can hold them as you slip and slide it across your body; dipping into crevices and cracks leaving a film of cleaning agent everywhere. As the soap block wears down (with time plus use) it gives one time to calculate when it needs replacement. At the moment it reaches a size that is unmanageable, one simply cranks out a new, fresh block and squeezes what remains of the old one onto the new. No waste. Left overnight it melds onto the oldy and is ready for the next use. 

In more recent years there has been a movement towards forswearing blocks of soap in preference for shower ‘gel’. I don’t like it. If you try to lather up while the shower is running it quickly washes off one’s hand and straight down the plug hole. Of course one COULD lather up outside the snugly warm shower of water, apply the gel and dash back under, but dear me, it’s a very cold, though brief, option.  

There is no block of soap at Ally’s house,  or Georgia’s. There IS one at Steph’s house, but only because I bought one. In London recently I went into a Boot’s Cash Chemist to buy a block of soap and guess what??!!!  No block of soap to be found!  Not ONE!  I arksed the chap and he couldn’t find one!  I’ll see if I can get one in Paris, which is where we’re headed now, on the Eurostar. 


1 comment:

  1. I AGREE! The only purpose I can find for shower gel is as a lovely piece of decor for the shower. We have a nicely-shaped brown bottle of shower gel decorated with an artisan label saying words like 'goats milk' and 'calming' that has been nestling in a corner of the shower for about five years. Maybe I should change the label to include 'toxic' and 'potentially poisonous'?!
