Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Ear worms


I have always suffered from ear worms. You know, songs that pop into your head and won’t let you go. You won’t have known this about me. I would be suffering an ear worm while I was speaking with you one-on-one or in a group conversation.


 Where do these frigging songs come from ?  It’s astounding. However, when I deliberately work through the lyrics, it becomes apparent.


A good example is on a bike ride with chums – maybe a Wednesday morning to Beechworth, Frankie Laine’s The Gambler will suddenly appear and firmly ensconce itself. Why this song (about lost love) ?  It’s about pursuit of love as a gamble, similar to playing a game of roulette. Frankie sings :  ‘… While the wheels are spinning, spinning, spinning, I’ll still think of winning …. Get it ?  Spinning wheels !  On the bike. Up to Beechworth. Bike wheels. OMG !!!


Well, last Monday, sitting in the double-decker bus, hurtling towards Victoria Station at dawn, suddenly the Peter Paul and Mary ear worm pops in :  Well eary in the morning, about the break of daaay … ON and ON and fricking ON !!!



1 comment:

  1. I know the pain! I found myself wandering around the other day humming the tune of "Dino -dino-dinosaurs". Not one you know I ask?? It's my own fault as I downloaded a huge number of dinosaur songs for a certain 4 year-old and we play them endlessly when he's in the car.....and sometimes at other times when we don't notice! It's a Spotify list so I'm happy to share the delight (and the pain) of endless songs about dinosaurs
