There is much to be said in favour of 8-hour stopovers. For a start, it gives one a heightened sense of appreciation for stopovers that span a reasonable time frame - say one hour and a half. Even more, one remembers with great fondness the direct flight from Perth to London not six weeks ago. Bliss! So, in future, when we receive notification that our time in Dubai/Doha/Singapore has been extended to five hours, we’ll be able to whoop with delight, saying, ‘At least we won’t have to fill in eight hours like we did that dreadful time in Dubai!’
And, let’s face it, in twenty minutes we will only have another seven hours to go before we hop on the plane for our 13-hour flight to Melbourne. What a DODDLE!
And I haven’t even gone for a walk around the shops in the terminal yet. That should fill in a good 45 minutes or so, leaving only around 6 1/2 hours to fill in.
… so all in all it’s a wonderful experience, this trip home to our loved ones. Don’t worry, it’ll be HUGE HUGS ALL ROUND when we finally at that intersection of time and space that we call HOME.
See youse soon!