No photos in this blog, because it’s mainly about toilets. One repressed memory of being on Samos on our last holiday to Greece was the prohibition on putting any paper whatsoever in the toilets. Yes. Can you believe it? NO. PAPER. WHATSOEVER. ‘So how does that work?!’ I hear youse exclaim. Well, first you ‘go to the toilet’ and then you do some careful wiping and then … wait for it … you carefully fold the paper and drop it into the bin provided by your hosts.
This process takes some getting used to, I tell you. One’s natural (and trained) reaction is to drop the wiping paper into the dunny. At this point, on Greek islands, you have to be STRONG and not go where your inclinations take you.
We had been on Samos (last trip) and had thought that our normal toilet process would not be discovered. Of a sudden, however, came a whooping from the domestic cleaning person. She had discovered that the bin by the side of the toilet was EMPTY. Either the Australians in number 5B had been ‘holding on’ for three days OR they had not been doing the right thing. We ashamedly admitted to our transgressions and immediately sought forgiveness. This was accepted, and we went about our business (so to speak) in the Greek Island manner.
Same rules re toilet are extant on Folegandros and now Milos. BE WARNED!
I can only empathise as some of the toilets in Bali are the same! To change the habit of a lifetime is a big ask! The temptation to cover the used toilet paper with clean toilet paper is strong but must be avoided for the sake of the trees!