Sunday, May 09, 2010

Spelling and grammar

Re-reading some blogs, I realise that there are errors of spelling and punctuation. This is annoying. First there are inadvertent errors made because I am typing on my iPhone (eg "thin" instead of "think"). Second are the errors made as a result of the auto-correct facility (eg "it's" for "its"). Also on the iPhone it is only possible to edit the first half of a blog. The second half is inaccessible.

All I can do at this point is to apologise for this and to say "sorry" and to promise to rectify the situation as soon as I am able. How does that sound?



1 comment:

  1. WOW !!!!
    You have been very busy !!!!
    I was away for the week-end and came back to FIVE !!!!blogs.
    VERY entertaining...And NO I was not offended and you were NOT abrupt....In fact with my reply advising that you weren't commenting on OUR comments Andy told me off and said I was abrupt!!!
    Keep writing...It puts a smile on my face...
